How do you spell T.I.R.ED?!

Hello, how has been your week? It's been exactly a week since the last blog post, not bad🙈🙈
I've had a really stressful week, I can't wait to have some rest this weekend.
Remember my post about skincare first published on and later here ( Well, I have an update!
My skin is so dark I can barely recognize myself. I do not think there's anything wrong with being dark skin, I'm really just particular about my skin colour and how it's changed in the last one year. I haven't worn makeup in two months, and people see me and even when I just left my house after eating a large bowl of wheat and white soup, they still say "you look tired."
I have two weeks of good, clear skin in a month, and the rest two weeks upset all I achieved the last two weeks.
I've never been more grateful for wigs that cover 85% of your face🕶
So, yeah, there're some of us who can't wait for menopause😑 so my skin can rest. Or when I have that kinda money that pimples answer to.
Haba! I have tried.
I've had such a week. I look forward to when my full job description would read "Author" and possibly "Script writer," like Ava Duvarney.
Till then, I guess I'll do what I have to do😭😭
Have you had a tough week? Pele, you can rant here😂
Have you had a great week? Biko show us the way🙌

Thanks for visiting BrownRings!


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