Hi guys, its been a while, again. I know. First, I must confess that my post title does not necessarily have a meaning per se, I just thought of a random heading that might draw your attention lol  be used.

How are you  doing? How's life, how's all that matters to you? How has your year been too?
On this side, I've been doing okay, I guess. About three weeks ago, I asked for opinions for a series that I was going to publish here, and I started one, really. Then, I lost someone dear to me and mine. I wasn't sure I wanted to continue writing, or if I felt like writing at that particular period, those were days of grief, memories and of course, family. I almost wrote a tribute here, but I also was not sure it would be appropriate. In my tribute to him, I promised to write a book about his life, he lived a selfless life. I plan to get due permission from family, as the  title and its framework and theme are all in my head.
I thought of why people generally express more love to people only when they pass on, or why people only tend to help say for example, the children of a deceased man when they hardly did anything even when they could,while the deceased was alive. I thought of how one event could happen and change an entire lifetime of people and their loved ones. I also experienced firsthand what family is, and loving unconditionally, and also sticking around for one another. It was (and may still be) a moment of loss and grief, but undeniably moments of beauty.
We traveled for the funeral and I experienced South-southern Nigeria for the first time, both amazing and annoying all through, bad roads, amazing vegetation, minimal sunlight (which was a dream come true lol), zero electricity, ferrying, culture, and of course food. It was of utmost delight to be surrounded with loved ones, and helping out in whichever ways that I could.
So, I have come to the end of my debate, I hope I have been able to convince you that I am not a lazy blogger, so help me God Amen.

By the way, my first blog post in the series about the societal norms that we grew up with will be up shortly, I sincerely hope you'll follow through, read, digest, possibly learn, and relieve memories that formed your childhood. Till then, thank you very much for reading.


  1. We should see your stuff more often.

  2. You sure strike like a lazy blogger though, but the beauty in that is, you've 'sweetly' told your story lazily and got us glued till the last jot.
    That's the beauty of being a creative lazy writer and I give you that.

  3. This is an interesting piece, surprisingly I read it to the end....I usually don't, so good job.

  4. Aww! Thank you, and I hope you don't stop coming.

  5. You know I always tell you 'you're amazing'. I'm happy you get to show how amazing you are by expressing yourself. Well done dear❤️


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