A story of firsts (2)

They say "don't follow the crowd, be wary of accolades" etc. And, It's true! But, some of my guys read my last blogpost and asked why I ended the "sweet" gist๐ and my head started swelling, so I decided to continue this early morning, pray for me๐ญ Well, I am writing all these experiences because it is something I have chosen to share. So, I'm on about my third/ fourth job this year, I don't want to write much about all that. Maybe I will, someday. Selah So, what have I learned so far? - My friend's younger Sister just got admitted in to the university, I told her to ensure she follows up on her sister, get her to intern in places of interest. It counts! If by chance you're reading this post, and you're an undergraduate, please volunteer, intern, work for free et.c. It doesn't matter whether you plan to stay in Nigeria or not, all those internship, volunteer jobs that you take up early will be of advantage to you! - ...