I was never someone you’ll tag “skin goals” because frankly, I wasn’t. My peril started in Jss 2. A few years earlier, My elder sister had started Secondary school away from home and since she’s my only sibling, I looked up to her so much. I missed her whenever She went to school and when she was home, I couldn’t get over my awe of her. She’d come home with several things she learned to do in her ajebo school; choco bumbum (made from ironed Milo), garri cake ( that I eventually made for one boy and he threw on my nose), nice shampoos and creams.
One particular break, she came with different bottles of facial care stuff and I was really intrigued. 
Not like I had anything on my face (yet)but I liked the prospect of having a facial care regime so I planned to own one of her bottles. When she was returning to school she left the bottles at home and I was elated. I planned not to use them till I got to use them in the full glare of my mates, so I’ll have reps for using skin care stuff.
One Saturday morning in school after inspection, I brought out one of the bottles and I went to where most of my set mates would normally sit on Saturdays to gist. I poured a very generous amount of this substance in my hand and with pride, on my face. It was hot as hell. Instantly I knew I should wash the substance off my face, but you know I wouldn’t, couldn’t.
“It should stay for a while on your face if it’s going to be effective”, I say with stubborn pride. I already had a little crowd so I couldn’t afford to fall hands.
I washed it off after some minutes and frankly, there wasn’t anything dramatic but I said it made my face feel good.
You know the thing about Puberty – induced pimples, there’s really nothing you can do to stop it. There's also a thing, it most likely will get better just by growing older (although it's different with some people), good diet and good hygiene. At least for a vast majority. But, there’s also the thing about staying away from what aggravates it.
A few weeks later, pubertal pimples hit me like Gilberta. It was horrible, and I can bet my small life savings on the fact that people laughed at me. Not in my face, but definitely behind my back. I thought the stuff I used was what caused it. I know now that it was pimples happening at the wrong time. My face had gone from fresh to friiissh. What’s worse was the fact that I couldn’t take my hands off my face so I kept poking and poking, till my face became an array of polka dots (this is where I get to say “pun intended”. Eureka!)
Over the years, I used tons and tons and tons and tons of products for my face, mostly harmful stuff. They said it’ll get better when I stopped being a teen. 20, 21, 22, no show, still using any stuff they say works.
By 23, I fully decided to just stop. Take a break, breathe. Yaaay! Not like I was seeing very impressive improvements but I just really let it be and take solace in good makeup (I like makeup btw).
24, I start to be very conscious of what I eat. I flop a lot of times too, but the thing about when you see you’ve flopped is to stop flopping. I take green tea like my life depends on it. I hear its good for the skin, and its definitely good for the body. I drink green tea through the day and I use the freshly used teabag to clean my face every morning, I even use it to wash my natural hair. A case of killing three birds with one stone.
So I am drinking green tea, and minding my business. I use oils too, coconut, olive, jojoba and the good old aloe vera.
Two times in one week, two different people compliment my skin and on both occasions, I pretend not to hear till they say it again just so I’m sure it’s me. It’s a big deal for me, it strengthens my resolve to continue my personal skincare career.
Essentially, you should allow your skin to breathe. Maybe you’ll achieve your glowiest of skin in the very natural, simple routines. What more we have more and more young minds investing in safe skincare products, it wouldn’t hurt to give these a try. Just no more to harsh chemicals. Maybe it’s your diet you need to change, maybe you need to wash your pillowcase more often. Maybe I need to wash my pillowcase more often. Maybe you need to consume more green tea (I hope green tea producers see this and maybe make me a brand ambassador ) but I didn’t put which I use so it doesn’t look like I’ve been paid for it. Maybe you need to drink more and more water, you need to exercise and breathe. Whatever it is, it’s your duty to find it, and glow.
Disclaimer: you might see me tomorrow and I have pimples again, I’ll say there are no guarantees really, but since there are no side effects, I’ll stick with it. And, if you find dark spots, its because I still don’t know how to keep my hands off my face (which is bad, btw).
I hope it was worth the read. Leave me comments and let me know what you think


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