Remember those times in secondary/ high school when you gathered to gist about the most embarrassing moments of your teenage life. If you were a boarding house student, you’ll know that gisiting was the best way to get by, really. 
I, for one, would change my secondary school if I could go back in time, but that’s a story for another day. I had a clique, and it was the most hated clique in my set, for baseless reasons. Well, we would gather and talk about our most embarrassing moments and we would share hearty laughter, after all we could finally laugh about those things that made us feel embarrassed.
In this narrative, I have changed the names of my friends for the sake of anonymity. Fade, who was a really pretty girl, once told us her most embarrassing moments were times she had to walk amid seated people, and we all agreed it was embarrassing 🙄🙄I mean right now, Fade, if I had your kind of face, I wouldn’t sit down for any reason in the world, I’d walk all day. My most embarrassing moment then, was when a terrible breeze blew up my pleated skirt while I crossed a busy road, revealing my panties. It was during the holidays.
These memories make me wonder how many other embarrassing moments I’ve had years after I stopped being a teenager. How priorities change. I very much can relate to and process my feelings and experiences as I grow older. When I talk about them, it's easy for someone to say “girl how old are you?”. Well as I ease into adulthood, I relate my experiences with what it was when I was a teenager, your pardon I pray. I think now about how unbothered I am, about the things that made me extremely embarrassed as a teenager. One minute you’re nervous about the many stares you might get while you walk in a public gathering, or as you enter the school dining hall, the next minute, be at work so early that you forget to even moisturize your face.
When I was maybe eight or nine years, my parents couldn’t afford the almighty Christmas clothes
to wear to church on Christmas morning and we had to do some improvising. Guess who was ashamed 🤦🤦️ of course, Me! Now I am ashamed. These days, even though I am still big on clothes on a budget I should add😂I don't even go to church on Christmas mornings. Tell me who cares about a dress for Christmas. 
This list is endless, and I am sure as you read, you'll find yours too. So why the journey down memory lane? Well, this is a blog spot and a note to self, and to everyone who reads this. It's OK for life's priorities to change, it's nothing to be ashamed of. I'm sure that wasn't hard to figure out. If you live in Nigeria and your dream is to maybe build the Nigerian Tower of Eiffel and you get out of school and you realize you can only build your CV at the moment (my dry attempt at humour), because you realize how tough Nigeria could make this dream, that's okay. Pick up what you have to pickup, to get by. I guess it gets better. Wherever in this earth space you live in, you know the shocking changes you've had to deal with, and might have to deal with.
 Be comfortable with your own process and own it. Life is dynamic, my dears. Get used to it!

Thank you again for reading!


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