Remember those times in secondary/ high school when you gathered to gist about the most embarrassing moments of your teenage life. If you were a boarding house student, you’ll know that gisiting was the best way to get by, really. I, for one, would change my secondary school if I could go back in time, but that’s a story for another day. I had a clique, and it was the most hated clique in my set, for baseless reasons. Well, we would gather and talk about our most embarrassing moments and we would share hearty laughter, after all we could finally laugh about those things that made us feel embarrassed. In this narrative, I have changed the names of my friends for the sake of anonymity. Fade, who was a really pretty girl, once told us her most embarrassing moments were times she had to walk amid seated people, and we all agreed it was embarrassing 🙄🙄 . I mean right now, Fade, if I had your kind of face, I wouldn’t sit down for any reason...